Tuesday League & Club Nights
Tuesday nights are club and league nights!
If you’ve enjoyed your session and want more axe throwing fun why not join our League?
They are a great opportunity for those looking for a bit of competition or a pathway into the sport .
Sessions start at 7pm and end at 9:30pm, with an hour available for paid practice beforehand.
Beginners are most welcome for club and league on Tuesday nights.

Join our next league!
Eight weeks of fun competitive throwing for £115 – that’s only £14.38 a night!
You may even have the chance to throw big axes to settle ties!
Sessions start at 7pm and end at 9:30pm.
During the first seven weeks of a league, you will play four matches each Tuesday night, with lots of practice before and after. You’ll play everyone else at least once.
The top 16 players will then play in a knockout tournament on week 8.
The winner of the trophy gets their name on our league trophy
Our Throwers
We have a lovely bunch of regulars, including relatively new throwers as well as seasoned pros. Don’t worry if you’re a beginner, our expert instructors will coach you to become the next league champion! You can follow the current league here.
Tournament wiNNER
Sam won the playoffs and lifted the trophy.
Stephen topped our last league

Only free for one day? Why not try our one day marathon. 8 weeks of league matches in one day finished off with a double elimination tournament. Starting at 10am and ending in the evening, this will be the ultimate day of competitive
axe throwing.
Skeeter’s is affiliated with the International Axe Throwing Federation (IATF). All your matches will be logged into the AxeScores app, where you can track your progress and look at your stats.
Scoring high in the league and tournament can qualify you for the global finals held in Toronto, Canada in June 2024.